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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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/q/ and /games/ should be unlocked now

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Interviewing Elon Musk on /qa2/ 23th of April at 4pm EST
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Today is the day

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soyembryo had it coming kekek


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>Mrpphh~~ fawkkk That's so hawt. Dox me next, frogchadsama. I mean, stupid frog…



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2024 sharty


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Soot should've just pulled the plug a long ago instead of selling out like a faggot.




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i made that

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For some reason I thought it might actually be its own website where they make OC or talk about pepe or something, but no. It's literally just an orbiter website for troons to talk about their wojak enemies, blogpost, or just seethe about da coooord and da 4cuck for being unoriginal all while posting the exact same frog image. A discord server in all but name. Honestly, for all the shit frogsissies talk, I kind of expected something with a modicum of originallity, but I guess that's expecting a lot from people who's only insult is some variation of a laughing frog image. Hopefully after the next 0 pph day, the jannies realize almost all frog posters are the same 2 faggots and will eradicate them from all the boards.


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Please refrain from posting transgender memes on The Frog Pond.

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why are all posts posted to /pepe/ being moved to /qa2/?


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We moved there

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will ponders get their frog wives after the trump Reich gets re-instated?

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Happy Saint Georges Day!

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Why are you niggers shilling Andrew Tate and Nick J Fuentes?
They are the biggest faggots I have ever seen.


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Tsmt for free speech


you hate trump so doesn't that make you on the side of literal fagets????


i didn't write anything about Trump. I don't hate him. I just think he can do stuff better.


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a bit late there pal

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