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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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Man, all the spics and mudshits on /pol/ are getting pretty nervous now that it's obvious that Trump will win in 2024


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i dont feel so good bros…

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kikes be raiding the white race we be saving

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It might actually be over bros


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yup it's rigged


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trust the plan, don't let the kikes psyop you.

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What makes something IAF? (is a frog)


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pretty simple, looks like pepe and isn't a wojak adjacent

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i raided some random soicaca site for shits and giggles and now they're all sperging out and accusing me of being froot


Hello fwoob


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it happened at the same time the sharty files started spining and froot made the DNB thread so it looked suspicious


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hey froot


nigga deleted the reply, definitely froot

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why is froot pretending to be us by raiding [soicuck splinter] and larping as us


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and the same time the sharty started spinning, glowing orange




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you are not one of us kys soitranny


hi froot, on damage control?


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it's not us dough it was the FDL , why would we raid a shitty splinter that's gonna die in 2 weeks, we're just helping soycacas have less competition

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You girls ready for BallmerCon '24?

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froot is banning DNB


to distract us from the gemmy failraid


what gemmy failraid, what happened?

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We're hosting our own schway interview with Jair Bolsanaro on /qa2/ and you're not invited.

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8 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The website just got mass raided by FDL whilst larping as the pond, make sure the gemcacas know this


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kill yourself froot you are sucha faggot people would rather go and make splinters than post on your shitty website. ronald should grind your shithole to a halt like in the past.


thanks frogbros


>Froot posts on the frogpond
Couldn't we use this as blackmail against him, or just tell people that he does so that shartycacas won't suck his dick as much and actually think for a bit?


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no point in warning the sharty because the FDL patrols it and will take down any info on site. for now just let the gemcacas know it's a set up, and maybe some sharty can be informed when jannies are less active

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