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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

File: 1706298839950.png (5.88 MB, 1074x6020, sdfsd.png)


Thoughts on this?


File: 1706299035101.jpg (12.39 KB, 251x242, 108 - blue_shirt crying laughing pepe smile teeth.jpg)

pretty accurate


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Trvthnvke but RapeApe isn't a nigger version of B.O.B



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File: 1706234543020.mp4 (3.76 MB, 640x360, 1706234427358-0.mp4)


the sharty meetup had an interview


File: 1706277949614.jpg (42.44 KB, 600x600, pepe sticker laugh.jpg)

Looking good, soisharts


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rent free

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soicaca.poopy broke

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Babaspeak is out, speaking English is in.

No coonlang.
No niggerbabble.
No nogsense.



niggers speak english and most troons are from english speaking countries doe

File: 1706214596771.png (957 B, 20x16, 1697802197090109.png)


The culture on 4chan's /qa2/ board is characterized by strong support for President Trump and nationalist and patriotic values rooted in exposing Jewish lies through redpilling or awakening normies into these beliefs through provocative discussion threads and Kek's wisdom. /qa2/ is also known for hosting two major exclusive games that involve shooting black and Jewish characters, which have sparked controversy and accusations of "racism" and "antisemitism" by demoncrats and Israeli puppets. In contrast, the /qa/ board has been criticized by a faction of American patriots who were residing on this board for different purposes for being overrun by spam, racebait, trannyism, Bidenbro nonsense, soyjaks, leftypol cabal, VNs no one cares about besides cuckspammers, spam until funny, leebait, and tranime, with many users accusing it of being infiltrated by tranny, Jewish, and shill elements attempting to use it as a base for their astroturfing operations and psyops against the right wing. This stark contrast in culture has led some users to believe that /qa2/ represents a more authentic and politically engaged community, while /qa/ has become a less serious and more chaotic space dominated by fringe elements and distractions from political discourse and activism on 4chan's imageboard platform overall.


Do you even follow Trump and check where he is wrong so you can help him with his presidency and give him adivces?

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>most active thread on the troonty is a shit 4 shit gooning thread


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First they went on a moral crusade against all le degenerate coomers….


spamming gore, weird ack posts and BBC jokes can corrupt your mind

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satanic trips

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Wtf is this


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average soimanchild

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soyjak.party vs 4chan


File: 1706253688676.jpeg (4.74 KB, 250x250, 1671130796807027.jpeg)

We, SISSYjak.party, EMBARRASSMENT of all alt-chans humbly kneel to:

/bant/-sama, the faster board and our masters.

discord-sama, who control the site and our other masters.

/qa/-sama, whom we will never be better than.

/a/-sama, who have every right to kick us out of their board.

4chan-sama, the superior place for jakking.

Good basedjak variants, which our shithole will never produce.

Humor, something we're incapable of.
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