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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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>run a Discord server devoted to old internet junk
>server raided twice by Soyjakoffs
>rando on server tells me about Frogpond
>it's genuine good stuff



File: 1699739059578.png (25.6 KB, 238x231, kekeke.png)


>no more muttspam
>no more shitty 'jaks
>edgy teens on the internet will now start moving away from sharty "humor"
we won


Muttspam is gemmy though and it makes shartycucks seethe

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File: 1699734485660.png (52.81 KB, 225x225, 260 - hand_on_chin pepe realistic smile smug.png)


I just bought soyjak.party and shut it down, ama
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Yes but if you want to get out earlier you have to post a photo of it next to a frog


what will you namefag as???
(You) will go down in soystory as admin Ϫ


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File: 1699738585148.png (25.6 KB, 238x231, kekeke.png)

Redirect soyjak.party to thefrogpond.org and redirect soyjaks.party to frenschan.org


very good idea

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damn bruh someone is making the cacanest unusable it somehow smells even worse


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>frognigger has a fart fetish


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My balls in your face


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Eat it up, soyslutta

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Hopefully this means soyteens will move on from the sharty and break free the gore/nikocado EPI.

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>sharty is gone forever


it's very likely that in a few days we'll find that it's a pedotranny discoal group that was behind this but the enemy of my enemy is my friend


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File: 1699737121806.jpeg (1.04 KB, 94x85, caca toad.jpeg)


svywcacapoopoobababscacs keeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwk

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