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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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why did the site die all of a sudden


We're all on /qa2/

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Joe Biden and his supporters are everything wrong with chan culture, this picture right here is proof

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>soicucks are pedophiles
Did you know that the sky is blue


It is age appropriate KEK

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/soy/ - losers, strangers, manchildren

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WTF just came to 4chan today and i cant post in /qa/ whats going on bros

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so what do we do with our fellow boys club member blepe


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I'm just here for the booru desu

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In Donald Trump's head, does he ever do anything wrong?

I bet he even brags about his farts. How they are the biggest and best smelling farts ever.

Man, he is one sick dude.

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can the frogs murder crystal cafe or something because it seems really easy, they have a bunch of old threads and if we slowburn them with shitposts we can kill their culture and site


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kill yourself sharty troon


I’m not tho I hate the sharty I just hate the cafe more

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Soitoddlers can't seem to handle whenever their site is down because they're all socially inept autists who need a rush of their daily dopamine

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