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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

File: 1700254173628.png (341.69 KB, 1033x689, njm.png)


made a new soiclitty bait image


File: 1700256125573.png (118.19 KB, 639x607, 1688190557096077.png)



frogchads… we won

File: 1700210837161.png (176.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1700090148115.png)


I was a former soiposter and I like the frogs
It only makes the newfag soiposters from the spinoff seethe because they still think their meme is relevant lol


shit no one cares about award


File: 1700227733534.png (479.09 KB, 976x850, 1688351074433181.png)

Yet you cared enough to give this post a reply, curious!
Almost as if you nusoifags are incapable of not replying to bait or anything and yet still have the nerve to larp as le ebin internet troll, I was a 'jakker just like you too but at this point I'm just going to delete my soyjak folder because you nuteens are getting quite embarrassing


File: 1700228215953.png (60.19 KB, 446x435, 1686900690736.png)

Oh and btw, I made that fat jannyjak spazzing out edit which ended up getting used for the one of the ban screens for your spinoff and countless other 'jak OC and I hate every single one of you fags with the power of a thousand suns. You lost


i aint reading allat nigga


reading allat

File: 1699464741797.png (933.29 KB, 1300x1405, 84CA7907-F06B-4BB5-8857-00749018BFDF.png)


>claims they’re better
>will not stop obsessing over Soyjak.party
>uses bots to advertise on the sharty
>disobeys rules on a website that did nothing to them
>their meme is only held up by 4cucks (pedos)
>uses something only 1 person forced many times (soylita) as their only excuse on why the sharty is “bad”
>thinks frogs are better, despite being a long expired meme
>”we did nothing to them!!!”
>”we’re better because.. uh…. we just are, okay?!”
11 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't think you're safe soysperms
two_pointing_soyjaks exists


pointing soyjaks arent overused as pepe emojis on twitch/reddit/discord, even the creator of pepe matt furie is a libtard who regularly dilated on reddit


File: 1700176508380.png (147.43 KB, 400x400, 1695945254253.png)

>Nobody likes soyjacks therefore theyre good


frogsistas… not like this


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pepe says trans rights! ^_^(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING A PART OF THE JIDF)

File: 1700087596144.png (104.7 KB, 1284x263, ClipboardImage.png)


sharing this trvke


not reading allat

File: 1695918262459.png (65.84 KB, 231x255, lig.png)




File: 1695918516152.jpg (61.09 KB, 579x553, palms sweaty moms froghetti.jpg)



File: 1700095376662.png (319.85 KB, 604x601, 1577330419991.png)


movie night soon, bros? we should do a cytube.



File: 1700089466634.png (273.02 KB, 529x461, funny frog n9.png)


erm what is this site


The Frog Pond

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we should discuss our next big move
what we plannin/doing?

File: 1700065430325.jpg (27.69 KB, 852x629, diseased frog bowl cut.jpg)


CP was on soycuck.poopy for 30 minutes



File: 1699899881960.jpg (816 B, 17x26, kek lol lmao.jpg)



File: 1699901695815.jpg (54.51 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg)

>they cloned gay people
no more soysharts i guess


File: 1699980021373.png (155.44 KB, 360x429, clone.png)

>putin bombs cloning lab in ukraine
you WILL consume our retarded zigger propaganda


File: 1699980999575.png (37.18 KB, 530x936, 1699980878732.png)


award brainrot

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