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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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soiclittycacas are fucking surreal
it isn't even a downward spiral anymore it's more like snowboarding down a mountain only to jump into a submarine with a giant cartoon drill
when will it end?

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New Trvthnvke soipoopiecacas will never be able to comprehend


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patriots. are. winning.

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What's the point of raiding a frog imageboard with pepe derivatives?


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Soipoopies are getting too cocky

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average person who still posts soijaks in 2023
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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zoomers unironically find disgusting down syndrome whores like this bitch attractive


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soicacas got some explaining to do


she cute doe


thanks for bump soifag lmao

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>tfw soiteens were failing even in 2021


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Oldchad soi raids: KYM flooded with onions, soijak gallery trending 24/7, constant flow of seethe from comments and forums. Lulz abound.

Nusoislutta raids: A few threads on 4cuck here and there with a little bit of seething from the same two or three anti-wojak schizos that exist on every board followed by a prompt 404 and ban. *yawn*


How the fuck did you find that

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Here’s all the retarded soycuck stuff I’ve collected, really good bait too


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I know it’s pretty autistic the first one is probably the worst rape rp I’ve ever seen


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you're forgetting the classic that started it all

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>sees attractive women
>thinks about Big [insert race] cock
>gets hard
why are they like this?


They're mentally ill coomers.


>he doesn't get hard thinking about attractive nonwhite women taking BWC
okay browncel.


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he's right you know


xhe's wrong you know

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https://frenschan.org (unofficial sister site)
https://memeatlas.com/pepe-memes.html (booru)
https://thefrogpond.pythonanywhere.com (predecessor to the swamp)
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


post it on /q/ as well so it doesnt get slid


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I sort of forgot about frenschan, hi stu




informative therefore bump



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