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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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Who is Pool and why are the soicucks accusing the owner of this site of being him?


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His name is Christopher Poole and he's basically like trumps top IT guy. When trump made 4chan in around 2014 he instated a cabal of tranime spaming pedophiles who said they would preserve the sites culture but instead they ran it into the ground with low quality slide threads. But trump is finally cleaning house so now we've got /qa2/ protected by trumpflare. So much like Chris's /qa2/ handle low quality kikespam is now all but… moot



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why are weabs trying to make the concept of vampires sound so cringe

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nate's ass is NOT that fat

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ITT: we uncover keyed archive posts


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Pepe is peak oldfag culture. It transcends time. It has evolved throughout the ages while still maintaining its original charm. This is why tranime spammers hate it: their inability to evolve and their unquenchable desire to regress makes them loathe Pepe's adaptability.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




that's a mirror, dude


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Are you a illeist or something?



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im to busy fucking you're mother too spell KEEEEEEEEEEEEK

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>these are the people who are anti-frog
>literal jeets


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nusoitrannies are you okay?


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nusoiniggers? are you retard?


average soicaca

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Just went on the sharty for the first time in 3 months just to make this post and immediately got banned afterwards, they're self-aware and are seething HARD, the redditors are the janny's slaves
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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yeesh, and nufrogsissies call soyjaks reddit humor….


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When did you start using the sharty, egyptfriend?


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holy mackerel

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What are some kinos with pond-ish qualities? I've already watched Shrek.


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Soibooboos just tried to steal a get on 4chad but failed because theyre all a bunch of retards. KEKAROOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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>last post on the /raid/ boad of soicvck.poopy was made 20 hours ago


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The new rules enacted TND harder than the actual meme itself, they were all chimping out hard and we were just witnessing them die off in real time, now they just spawned their 4th splinter that will die within 4 weeks in order to continue their retarded shitskin "operations"


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>3. FROGS - All frogs are banned outside of /qa/ and /b/, which has been given to them due to being their historical habitat. Frogs infringing on this rule will receive a permanent ban.
Shit site ran by swarthoids


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they just can't stop leaking

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