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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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how much jannies do you have, and will you hire some?


I don't think this site needs jannies (for now)


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True, We don't need rulecucking

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I think if we made our own /raid/ board we'd get more frogs

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What is apu?


baby pepe


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pepe's son who is retarded but still got the message, too bad lefty redditfags bastardized it on r/apustaja, frenworld was great tho.

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Imagine a /qa/ without all the kikeshit, trannyism and spam. Where people can hold a well-civilized political discussion regarding current events and America. Where true, red-blooded American patriots get to organize to share their own debates and advocate for greatness. That's /qa2/ for you. We're proud and loud, brave, and not afraid enough to preach for freedom. Last bastion of true chan culture


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only board i visit on 4chan nowadays is /pol/ and only spam JRK

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why do soyclitties hate frogposters? more soyclitty subhumans die from alcoholism( also traffic accidents related to this), soyclitty on soyclitty violence, homosexuality (homos, trannies, and lesbos suicide much more than heteros + they bear no children), drugs (soyclitties have drug epidemics that are worse than afghan heroin sniffers)

since soyclitties are dying out and getting older the government has to fix this or the economies of soyclitty countries will collapse. soyclitty countries have been paying people welfare and child money in hopes of them breeding(since 80s) but they spend it on alcohol and drugs and keep the crisis going. people on welfare would rather buy dogs and pay half of their welfare on dog food ROFL. so the government fixes it by taking frogposters.

why does every single soyclitty country have an anti-immigration party but no party that targets the real causes of soyclitty subhuman decline? without frogposters soyclitties would die out in a century and will be replaced by frogposters anyway

every single country that took frogposters has benefited from it economically apart from countries that were already third world.

That's because of soyclitty money hoarding culture, but I will not get into that in this thread.


Frog New World Order


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they're jealous we're famous, we made it to family guy, we have our own documentary, meanwhile all they're known for is a bootleg wojak.

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free speech site but gets their vagina in a twist from islam

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Inshallah there will be revenge for this failraid tommorow


Soiclitty blood will be on their hands


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can muslim frogs ask allah to kill the sharty? thank you


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they are yahudi scum, we need to do something

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what a fail, i slept through that raid

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can we add filters to soyspeak like "geg" changes back to kek like it should be?


Word filters are annoying but so is nusoyspeak


'pond saving

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kill wojaktrannies


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soysluttas are jealous that we have trans rights and infinite amount of BBC semen(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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