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 No.4192[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ask away and I'll try to answer concisely.

Let's get the party started!
152 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Interesting. First time hearing this
I firmly believe Dark MAGA will save America. Trust the plan
An absolute disgrace, just enough green boys is one way to lobotomize those leeches

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Welcome to /qa2/ - Business Inquiries.
This is a board for the discussion of political events and … other things.
Outside of politics, this board has no specific theme and you are free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.

(also no soicucks and weabs and cuckoldspammers, infiltrators are banned on sight - see thread for more info).

Automated by Trumpflare Security Intelligence. Last updated 02/25/24.


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Infiltrators are banned on sight. If Trumpflare detects you're one of the following:
>tranime weab
>BBC (((propagandist)))
>leftypol raider
You'll have one of your images automatically hashbanned and the service will deploy hundreds of based hitmen to your nearest geolocation in order to slaughter and otherwise purge you. You will also have your access revoked thereafter.


post soitans ITT
she looks so submissive in this one


File: 1714173798488.jpg (86.3 KB, 600x581, frog (36).jpg)

reported to trumpflare


Neck yourself soyweabiekike subhuman.


An offending image has been detected and removed from The Frog Pond's servers.


thanks bot

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<Anonymous> why don't we just spam /qa2/ in retaliation
<Anonymous> it will be so funny
<Anonymous> these teenbros are clearly not having their luck
<Anonymous> no
<Anonymous> why not
<Anonymous> it's not worth raiding frog/wojak sites
<Anonymous> especially if it's one extreme samefag posting schizo /pol/-tier garbage
<Anonymous> ^^^^
<Anonymous> "Trumpflare will handle this. No need to worry"
<Anonymous> lol
<Anonymous> wut's trumpflare?
<Anonymous> No clue
* 39_other_users is now known as 40_other_users
<Anonymous> Also I love how they're still obsessing over us 7 years later even after the schism is over…
<Anonymous> one extreme samefag posting schizo /pol/-tier garbage < not just that, it's reposted /pol/ OPs too
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
4 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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You better start running, filthy weabshitter.


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Go back whence you came


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ONAPNYDIR (Oh No A Pepe, Now Your Day Is Ruined)


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Did Rocky Raccoon really make jakworld? If so, nusoicacas are gonna be fucked BIG fucking time.


>rocky raccoon
redpill me


Vietnamese epi pedophile who runs a jewtube channel posting globohomo animations for soitoddlers


avg soicuck


deboonked albeit

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based soichad

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I just bixed a nood

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Couple of /qa2/


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Trump tells the ultra-powerful Jewish Republican Coalition "I know why you're not supporting me, I don't need your money, you like to control your politicians." and "I'm not sure Israel is willing to negotiate" coinciding with the GOP saying their goal is to "destroy and degrade Trump".

All that said. Why IN THE FUCK do we want more Muslim immigrants? We have accepted 1.7 million since 9/11. Why IN THE FUCK do we even need more people? We have 318.9 million. Oh yeah, that's right. The psychopathic globalist corporations need more cheap labor.

Fuck the kikes. Fuck these elites. And fuck these leftist ideologues. TRUMP '24

Put that on hat you shilly faggots. Wake up or GTFO back to Reddit where you belong.

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