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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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Add /pol/

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Can you imagine if a Kuz mod did this?


Nobody will hold him to the same standards as kuz because they all know Froot is a right wing twitter kiwinigger immigrant



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Why is he so inept


soyjanny not realizing that if they ban the trannies, the site will die


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child porn just got posted (deleted within seconds by trumpflare but still) and it had the text "soyjak.party" over it, why are soypeepeepoopoos like this?


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The soibaba I doxed got arrested for soliciting live child porn
They really are like this

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why is he crying?


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he is a soycaca falseflagger

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dont care

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How do we keep this site alive


I think pepe relevancy will increase because of the Trump election happening soon


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We don't. It's over

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>raids soytroon.discordy multiple times and manages to DDOS it

>infiltrates soyzellig.party's moderation team and wipes all the boards twice

>makes soypoopas seethe and cry to the jannies

How do we do it?






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Frogs = Chosen people, the masterrace

Soicacas = Goyim cattle beast of burden

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