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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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another soikike fail incoming… KEEEEEEEEK


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its gonna die in 2 weeks


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they just saw this thread and now theyre planning to raid us
luckily trumpflare will boot them off


wow 3 months

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why did frenschan sell out and advertise the sharty instead of their kin


Stu probably doesn't know about us yet

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>joe biden is a fascist
>to be a fascist is to be a friend of biden
>to be a friend of biden is to be an enemy of trump
>therefore fascists are enemies of trump
its just simple logic.
you can't support both /trump/ and fascism, you're just a RINO (Republican in name only) at that point.
maybe you fascists should check yourself before KEK forces you to…

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How frogGODS lose their virginity: by deflowering a biological, adult woman.

How soicacas lose their virginity: having gay anal sex with niggers.


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i don't really like the use of the word "deflower here", there is nothing wrong with losing virginity to non-virgins

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maybe frogcacas arent so bad after all…


What splinter is this?






[REDACTED], the successor to the pedo sharty


Its the affy a splinter from the sharty cause the sharty is run by pedotroons

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I think trump is going to win the election


I hope you're right.

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Do you guys have skibidi rizz in ohio from grimace belly?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


im not a soitroon
Also you are corny asf


>forgot to namefag himself


You should take lowtiergod advice ngl


Did I say you could get out of my basement!?



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patriots, are we in control?


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