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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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Soicucks are gonna ACK!!!!!!
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1705435835724.png (67 KB, 220x221, pepe fact.png)

its gonna be rigged


Already got hella fake votes for Nikki Haley


File: 1705453506074.jpg (5.48 KB, 179x282, 1689732590636.jpg)

>Ron Desantis
More like Ron Deplantis


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They got Vivek Ramaswampy on there too

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I poopeth my pants

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>Icky Haley

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Mods the bootleg wojaks are at it again
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




soicucks are brown


File: 1705417171001.jpg (96.62 KB, 750x750, 89 blue_background bowtie can closed_mouth clothes frog glasses monster_energy pepe smile smug tuxedo va….jpg)

Yep. This is known info


weird pepe tho


soyjaks (aka soyboy wojaks) are a type of wojak
<soi spacing
meanwhile pepe is basically a copy of the wojak if he was a frog

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>even doe when /qa/ was deleted the sharty and sóy culture became more popular than ever

the shartmarty is a shitty /qa/ offshoot site filled with autistic children and soy culture only became exclusively popular on twitter
>even doe we literally doxed 7 4chan mods
claiming old doxes isn't the win you think it is
>even doe we doxed hundreds of unironic pedophiles and discord trannies
name one pedphile that the sharty has successfully doxed aside from goonclown
>even doe we doxed internet celebrities
most of which are faildoxes that didn't go anywhere
>even doe we heavily influenced 4chan's culture in the last 3 years
>even doe we have been successfully raiding 4chan boards, threads and stealing GETs since 2021
see the first debunkment
>even doe we created babybot (jannies and mods worst nightmare)
you will never be vidya butts
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cried about sharty for 500th time again award


award brainrot award


Mald lmao


award award award etc etc etc something nothing asdfg

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why can't soicacas raid?



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can you sissies help wipe soycuck /a/ board? jannies dont care i think we can do this in shifts
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1705408278572.jpg (3.67 KB, 249x157, 1696144878685.jpg)

>To prevent raids, the maximum number of threads has been limited per hour. Please check back later or post in an existing thread.


File: 1705408324351.png (247.35 KB, 449x478, 1585960965532.png)

Weabs won


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thats why i said "in shifts" anon
not all of us are in the same timezone


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>nevermind janny cleaned it up


shalom moshe

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>last post 8 hours ago
lets fix that


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