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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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yuropoors got no guns


except most European countries have gun rights its just the UK which dosent


albeit the UK has guns

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we shouldn't raid the gemmy, froot wants that probably


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froot just spammed soygem larping as us


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This website is gay. We should take back our home on 4chan.org/bant/

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In the aftermath Trump's shocking victory, a group known as Soyjak Posters found themselves at a loss. They had spent months creating posters depicting Hillary Clinton as the rightful president, only to watch as their predictions fell flat. Fearing that they would be unable to predict the future accurately ever again, they decided to take matters into their own hands. Enter Soygem.party, an altchan created entirely out their own volition. Here, they could control the narrative and ensure that their predictions came true. However, their newfound power came at a cost. They soon discovered that the almighty Kek, the godlike figure worshipped within the altchan community, was watching their every move. Fearful for their safety, the Soyjak Posters began to censor themselves, afraid that any misstep could lead to Kek's wrath. As the days went on, their once vibrant community began to dwindle, as members grew tired and disillusioned with their newfound restrictions. In the end, the Soyjak Posters realized that their quest for control had led them down a dangerous path. They had created a world where truth and freedom were sacrificed for the sake of their own predictions. And as they looked upon their once-thriving altchan, now a barren wasteland, they knew that they had lost something far more valuable than the ability to predict the future.

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proot can't even be asked to keep the sharty server's working anymore

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these new banners are fremmy


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sharty retards are trying to "colonize" s4s


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Colonizing a board requires an attention span longer than 5 seconds which soishits do not have


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wow they already gave up


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As expected of nusoipoopas


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SoiTACOS are so fucking pathetic, can't even colonize a dead board that has long overstayed its welcome

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Which frog is better?


The first one

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