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/pepe/ - Frogs

All things frog!
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>even doe when /qa/ was deleted the sharty and sóy culture became more popular than ever

the shartmarty is a shitty /qa/ offshoot site filled with autistic children and soy culture only became exclusively popular on twitter
>even doe we literally doxed 7 4chan mods
claiming old doxes isn't the win you think it is
>even doe we doxed hundreds of unironic pedophiles and discord trannies
name one pedphile that the sharty has successfully doxed aside from goonclown
>even doe we doxed internet celebrities
most of which are faildoxes that didn't go anywhere
>even doe we heavily influenced 4chan's culture in the last 3 years
>even doe we have been successfully raiding 4chan boards, threads and stealing GETs since 2021
see the first debunkment
>even doe we created babybot (jannies and mods worst nightmare)
you will never be vidya butts

that is all


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cried about sharty for 500th time again award


award brainrot award


Mald lmao


award award award etc etc etc something nothing asdfg

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