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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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Happy Saint Georges Day!

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Soyjaks stopped being funny to me after soyposters decided to expand it and complain about variants being discord crap.
Some are NAS.

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tbh i would pay if this was real


I hope it ain't scammy. Otherwise, that would feel JEWISH

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While I am still critical of Trump, I do wish him well in this election and I hope he promises things he didn't do while he was the president. The wall shall be built and America shall be somewhat nationalist.
Don't just make America great again. Make it greater than ever before.

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/qa2/ has been invited to Aspie and Apu's wedding


This is pretty cute, OP.

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Y'all Cowards Don't Even Post Frogs



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Cope, seethe, dilate.

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>TrumpFlare will be temporarily replaced with something called "SoytanFlare". Like ZelligFlare, tranime and kikespam is still banned, but Soytan is allowed


is trumpflare malfunctioning?


What do you mean?


File: 1713917165002.jpg (52.03 KB, 976x850, Pepe_the_Frog_meme_branded_a_'hate_symbol'_-_BBC_News.jpg)

Why do you say that?



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