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Why is leebait not allowed on /qa2/?


Ask Trump.


association with underage userbase + the man is dead

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probably the most important gif

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Fat people can go fuck themselves.

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Chillin' in my home board,
Posting rare pepes and keeping up with 'merica,
Just patriotic shieeeett,
Never get bored, never ever get bored, never ever get bored, never ever get bored.

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Just saw the eclipse today.

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So many falseflaggers and kikes running around, it's actually getting out of control.


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today was pretty wild ngl
did not expect all of this to happen

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Our response?
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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i think shonen/mecha should be allowed on /qa2/


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And for your actions, the fаggоts have committed an unforgivable crime. All fаggоts shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.

And everyone you love goes to hell forever and ceases to be. Along with you.

All that you hate happens. And all that you hate is good. All that you hate wins. And all that you hate is loved by all.

Every harm against you and your ancestors is blessed and good. All that you are is undone. And all you get is punishment.

All your love dies. All that you have is taken. And all that you love kills you.

TRUMP MAGA MD2GA @POTUS Q WWG1WGA kill niggеrs kill kikеs 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the Trump2020 reich lynch niggеrs gas the kikеs.

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File: 1712605750107.jpg (161.52 KB, 1200x1191, 1691702367363.jpg)

Shut the fuck up, kike.
You are OBVIOUSLY fucking neanderthals. and your own genetic scientists have admitted this. Not that anyone needs genetic proof.
Just fucking look at you goblin abominations and your sloped skulls, guttural lisping speech, and schizophrenic cannibal pedophilia.
You are susceptible to over 30 mental illnesses and diseases that the rest of Humanity CAN'T EVEN CONTRACT!!
You hear that, neanderkike nigger?!

You're blatant lies and gaslighting has become so fucking insufferable and intolerable.
We aren't living in your schizo matrix anymore, yid pedo faggots.
You have been rejected. And seeing as you refuse to take the fucking hint, and just keep on marching blindly forward into and over our Kith and Kin the equation becomes very simple and automatic.

We will stop you.

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No, I don't think so.


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Why don't you think so?

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hey weabs are you alright

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I bet they're all kvetching now that they got banned off /qa2/. They can whine and cry all they want, it's not my problem anyway



die, soyweabiekike.


What was it?


a gif of the troonjak.discordy mascot dancing


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it's quite sad really

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