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Was the Awoo meme a psyop to turn MAGApedes into 2hutroons?

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where did the hunger game thread go


I made this thread so someone could post all the hunger game images

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>Kuz says he joined the Unifcation Church (aka the moonies), a new religious movement and bizzare prophet-claimant cult from south korea which has a sizable base of followers in the south. He also apparently started following Qanon and says people on Gab introduced him to the "truth". He says he's going to take down thekuz.win soon because he just wants the drama with him and doll to pass, and says that the post on kereste where "he" claimed to be a muslim was just some mod larping.
is he /ourguy/?

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Does any ponder have the /qa2/ hunger game pictures saved? If so, then post them in this thread

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why is someone spamming twinkjaks


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Because a fellow ponder raided their shitty spinoff (twinkjak.party)


based fag killer

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Technical order observed. Thousands of kikes decimated.


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[original comment]


ditgits confirm


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With those sacred lucky numbers, kikes won't be able to tarnish the name of freedom now that they've been incinerated. Based OP.

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keyed or locked?



(original comment)

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>/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

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The new generation is growing up more cautious of the lies of the jew. People are no longer allying themselves with the lgbt movement and general distrust of the pharmaceutical industry is growing a lot.
This leaves trannies on a crossroad now, will they die alone and depressed on their decrepit old place, or will they endure the pain of being hummilated and killed by the millions by us together with all their "sisters" and other minorities like niggers
The answer to this may be closer than ever…

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Unfathomably based

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