Kike shills try to claim hitler and the nazi elites are jewish which is complete bullshit.
But to help some of the low iq anons here some facts.
>>every single person in the third reich was required to have an "arier nachweis" which is an ancestery report of them to prove there was no jew in your family.>>the nazi elites had to do a big "arier nachweis" or "großer arier nachweis" to prove that there wasnt a kike in their family till 17hundres smth. I know this because everyone of my great grandparents had one.Give me your best shills! How should they be jewish?
Next lie
>>hitler shot himselfNo he did not he escaped to argentina and died of old age. There is literally no prove for hitlers suicide.
Next lie
>>the holohoaxIf you believe this shit you are to stupid for me to argue because its physically impossible
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