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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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>mom thinks Donald Trump is a clown
>mom goes to Trump NYC
>happens to meet Trump
>calls me right after saying that Trump is amazing

Can't stump the Trump.


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Donald J Trump was the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.
All the things Biden was doing were for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs never actually went into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump was STILL PRESIDENT all this time.


The plan was enacted over the inauguration weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements would be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump was still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happened during Bidens term was actually President Trumps doing.

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Is Amerimutt a /qa2/-approved meme, or is it kike garbage?


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It's kike cope, no other exceptions

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It has recently come to our attention that there has been a recent surge of (((subverters))) and Mossad puppets trying to rewrite /qa2/'s premise, claiming it's a secret "meta" board where all spam goes and where all the soijaks get to thrive. All of this is inherently false, /qa2/ is a white man's colony. We serve lots of high quality discussion pertaining to right-wing politics, fresh frog OC, National Socialist appreciation threads, Trump generals, exposing the JIDF's lies, etc. It also comes bundled with Trumpflare to prevent cringe spammers, kikes, and other parasites from gaining access and further shitting up our board.

Recent example: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62469483/#62469483


>DO NOT REPLY TO THEM!! If you're willing to bite Mossad's bait, put sage in the OPTIONS field.

>Either hide or ignore those subverting threads.
>Report when necessary, and mods will take immediate action.
>Remind them that they will never be women.

REMEMBER: /qa2/ is our weapon of justice, we will bring triumph to America and save western civilization. Kikes are seething in vain so they have to resort to low quality spam because they can't access the board. Not my problem! They can seethe and cry all they want!

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Without any doubt - Nancy Reagan's endorsement was the most coveted of all endorsements.

Trump won't let you down, Mrs. Reagan. Thank you for all you contributed to America.


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Proud American, and not ashamed of it!

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Who's best qualified to lead America and why is it Donald Trump?

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Why is Biden so fucking retarded, he doesn't even know where he is let alone trying to run his own country

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“The important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn’t shape our overall immigration policy”


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>post a frog on the soi altchan
>everyone there immediately loses their shit and starts calling me a "frognigger"
Why does this happen?


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No different from the weebshitters, everyone compared them to the mafioso for a reason like a few years ago

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