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so much trumphope

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If you think the true American patriots aren’t still backing Trump, you’re wrong. His diplomacy is well tailored to create the world the American people want. He handles operations in a professional and often discreet manner. He can throw people off, and does things that we sometimes don’t underestand because we aren’t privy to his strategies. He’s been up against a lot. He faces even bigger challenges this time around. But the American people don’t want DeSantis. The media wants us to want DeSantis. We want Trump. We always wanted Trump.

It’s not about NOT rubbing elbows with Jews. Israel isn’t going away. Nor is Palestine. Hatred and genocide aren’t the way.

What people say and what they do are two different things.

Antifa and Soros, WEF, and Cabal will be BTFO.

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