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so much trumphope

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Republicans are going to dominate next election. Here's why:

1: Democrats have no issues left. Gay Marriage is over. The Gays aren't going to show up for shit, they have what they want. Because Democrats literally only ever show up to vote for things that personally benefit them or make them feel superior, gays won't show up.

2: Niggers won't show up. The Midterms were a graveyard. You think blacks are going to vote for Hillary Clinton? An old white bitch? Yeah, good luck with that.

3: Conservatives are fucking furious, and the old ones aren't dead yet. What was the turnout at the midterms? You really think every old right-winger isn't going to show up to vote? They are. You've created so much asshurt on the Right that they're going to pour in in DROVES to vote, while Democrats are too busy rioting, being smug about winning a non-issue, and shooting up heroin to do anything, much less go vote. SJW bullshit permeates every facet of pop culture, but even so Libshits got BTFO on Jurassic World because people were so fucking sick of their bitching about muh sexism.

The Defeated Mourns, but the Victor is Undone. Your success has destroyed you. The Midterms are proof of that–the fact is that you couldn't even legalize Fag-Marriage democratically and had to rely on Activist Judges to get it done. And you think you're the ones who're winning? You're so fucking anemic that you only got 48% of the vote when MITT FUCKING ROMNEY, the billboard-headed Mormon who looks like a serial rapist, went up against God King Obama.

You think you're scary? You think you're the one who's going to do the stomping next year? I look forward to it. I look forward to seeing you hand-cart Hillary Clinton's coffin up to the podium and have her argue against anyone. Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, it doesn't mean shit, I can't want to see that teetering shivering brain-damaged fossil try to argue with a man.

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