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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We shall dominate internet culture soon.
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We're going to be interviewing Elon Musk on /qa2/, 23th of April at 4pm EST.

File: 1713872358190.jpg (8.41 KB, 275x183, 1694548536039016.jpg)


We already know from when we ended the war in AG that half the ISIS fighters "went back to the UK" who is really pulling these puppet strings. No one is buying you're "we've been attacked we need control and money" bullshite anymore. I'm sure you've already got plans to attack and kill several thousand Americans but I suggest the US people deginate you deep-state shills as the enemy of the state instead of some goat herders, again.
While you're acting like a bunch of parasites that need to be flushed from our system and harming the US China is taking over the world. It's simple they aren't just stealing your fighters and your base designs they've already stolen all the good scientists who aren't distracted by your money-grubbing bullshite.


Thank you Q. Very cool!

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