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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We shall dominate internet culture soon.
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We're going to be interviewing Elon Musk on /qa2/, 23th of April at 4pm EST.

File: 1713826784880.jpg (40.32 KB, 593x517, peepo.jpg)


OC idea: draw soytran getting brutally raped by pepe while a soycuck watches


File: 1713827897205.png (44.83 KB, 600x800, pepe rapes soytran.png)


Lilypilled. Add the soycuck in there


File: 1713828507297.png (75.67 KB, 600x800, pepe rapes soytran (var 2).png)




not my proudest fap


keyed. i also posted this on the 'tardy


Good thread.


>draw pornography
You realize the soicucks will just end up masturbating to it, right?


>t. soicuck

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