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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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bot free paradise

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You guys simply don't understand how many problems would be solved if all immigrant pajeets from every single country was kicked back to pooland and then the entire country gets fucking nuked from orbit for good. Especially now. These subhuman monkeys are literally destroying the world's economy and taking all the jobs.
>Tech field would instantly become better. Companies will be FORCED to hire whites.
>There will be massive shortage of workers in retail, restaurant and other minimum wage jobs which are meant for college students and high school students to get.
>No more scammers impersonating as the IRS demanding 30k in google gift cards
> Considerably less rape, less bestiality, less degeneracy, less eating and bathing in cow shit in the world
>No more plz send bobs and vagene
>No more good morning sir
>No more plz sar do not redeem
>No more shit on the streets/beaches
They HAVE to go.

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