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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We shall dominate internet culture soon.
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We're going to be interviewing Elon Musk on /qa2/, 23th of April at 4pm EST.

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kill yourselves weebshitters


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Anime is Aryan and the Japanese were literally a part of the Axis powers, you're probably a brown latinx "tradcath" if you don't like anime


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>Anime is Aryan and the Japanese were literally a part of the Axis powers, you're probably a brown latinx "tradcath" if you don't like anime


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Your projection and falseflags are fucking pathetic, jew.
Everyone knows you were the literal nomadic goat herders that EVERYONE shunned because of your Satanic pedophilic bloodlust and parasitism on others, you neanderkike nigger.
This made you inbred for thousands of years.
And, of course, the ACTUAL well known goat fuckers of the entire world.

You try so hard to wriggle out of your own vile visage and reputation, all while trying to steal OUR genes and OUR Historical and Biblical glory and birth right. And it only comes full circle to shit on your sloped skull once again.
You will never bury the truth, jew.
You will, however, be buried and forgotten.

You're going to burn.
Trump is god
We are coming…



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>be anti-anime
>be against Japan, make fun of the Honorary Aryans killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the american jews that nuked Japan and say that Japan deserves more nukes
>accuse someone of being a jew for admiring the Japanese just like the Führer did since he called them Honorary Aryans


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oh, you mean the literal zionist that held and LGBTQ flag, supported israel and never did anything for the White race? The truth is that hamas does more for the White Race when they kill jews than trump ever does when he promotes cuckservative ideology


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Your walls of empty rhetoric are not even being read, you dipshit.
You attempted a coup, and failed. Period!
Fill the space with as many empty words as you can muster, traitor. No one is listening to you fucking commies. You showed your hand.
You're fucked.
We're going to kill you for sedition, and treason, you dumb fucking kike.
…tick tock.


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>you're a kike for not supporting the pro-kike ziocuck president we support




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Keep reaching, kike faggot.
THE GOYIM KNOW, you fucking identity thieves.
Does it hurt knowing that your rabbis and family all lied to you about who and what the fuck you are, you parasitic demon spawn?
Of course not. You're an ignorant arrogant "jew", and "God's Chosen".
You are mentally ill, and need to be eradicated as the plague on Humanity that you are.

We are coming for you, neanderkike nigger.


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the jews are not the chosen people, as White Aryans are the real chosen people.

I am not a jew, im a White Aryan NatSoc from Uruguay and you can check the FPCB wiki page about my ideology, Volker41ism



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>socialist kike ideology
yep, we found another /trump/ hater.


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Kys foreign invader


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National Socialism is the way to defeat the jews and save society, not trumpism or any neocon nonsense.

Racial Nationalism is the way to save the White Race, not Religious Nationalism, be it Pagan, Christian or Islamic.

National Socialism is about the union of the Volk under a common realm or dominion; it is about the defense of the common good of the Volk. National Socialism defends the principle of the common interest before individual interest. it is about fighting against the judeo-bolsheviks and the jewish financial elites that control banking. it is about rejecting materialism and thinking about the common good of the Volk before your own selfish interests.

It is a truly spiritual doctrine, one that is connected to the Natural and to the Spiritual. It is not a ruthless genocidal mania like the jews would have you believe; the truth is that National Socialism defends the right to self determination of all peoples, with each Volk belonging to their own land.


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>communist kike blabbering about his nonsense
yeah we're not falling for it this time
/trump/ will save us.


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>t. communist kike larping as natsoc


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>communist kike larping as natsoc

everything I said can literally be found in the 25 Points of The Program of the NSDAP and in Mein Kampf.

If you are an actual National Socialist then you should read books and pamphlets written by the original National Socialists, not what the mainstream kike "historians" and shitty internet grifters say about the movement


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be silent weab


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im literally just saying the truth about National Socialism being the solution and about trump being a zionist retard shilling for israel


Hitler caused troonime, but Gavrilo Princip could have prevented this if he hadn't assassinated Ferdinand.


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Bosnian Superman agrees with you. Bosnian Superman tells you to find better pictures instead of troonime.


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>im literally just saying
You shouldn't be saying anything, weab. You should be put down like a dog for being a traitor to the white race. If you post troonami, you are the enemy simple as that.


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what did anime ever do to you? why do you guys seem to hate it so much?


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>anime is ar-ACK!



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The MERE FACT that a grown-ass male (note that I didn't call you a MAN, because you are NOT) is obsessing over a ALIEN LOOKING drawing made by a foreign culture, that is specifically designed for TODDLERS AND INFANT GIRLS of said culture, is damning enough.
It's either because you're a sad fucking LONELY motherfucker in his midlife crisis, and the only way such a fucking failure could cope with satisfying his feelings of adopting a child, is through coping with said alien, inhuman like drawings with shrilling voices made by middle-aged, underpaid Japanese women. To put it in layman terms so a uneducated schmuck like you can understand: you are a childless FUCK and pretends these shitty fucking drawings are your daughters/satisfy that unquenched desire to have children. But that isn't mostly the case.
The most likely option, is that you are a subhuman PEDOPHILE piece of shit, or simply a OUTCAST DEGENERATE MANCHILD that either gets aroused by these shitty fucking cartoons, or actually falls in love or in a deep fucking "sentimental relationship" (really? WITH A FUCKING DRAWING??)
HOLY fucking I coudn't even finish that thought.
What's worse, is that the pedophile-pandering site (Pissu) fully encourages this despicable, detestable activity because that's how it was born in the first place. Outcast pieces shit fawning over drawings depicting little girls. And now pretends to make a "community" out of it.
And I quote a good old pasta:
>this petty site started building this weabshit culture for a while now. And if you think about it, this kind of garbage is the SAME shit as the mlp garbage. Consisting of "grown ups" watching shit literally designed for little girls.
>Now, the catalog-dwelling weabshitters, over the years, have grown to think that this pedophile, deranged culture is OK. Because there's so many degenerates in this built culture. That is, obviously, until the illusion was broken.


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weabs wont recover from this one…




Based beyond recognition. Weabtrannies on suicide watch.


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>you are a subhuman PEDOPHILE

im literally 16 and I was molested when I was 10, pedophilia is bad and im against it, I literally state that im against pedophilia in my FPCB wiki self insert page https://pcbwiki.net/wiki/Volker41is

>specifically designed for TODDLERS AND INFANT GIRLS

Anime is not just for kids, most anime is actually very mature and made for people with a high IQ

>inhuman like drawings

you're insulting our Japanese friends, they are literally Honorary Aryans that deserve respect, they literally sided with the Axis powers




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Way to talk, big guy.


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>tranime faggot was molested at 10
many such cases, sad!


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at least I turned out fine for the most part, I guess


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>If you post troonami, you are the enemy simple as that

Anime is Aryan, stfu


rope yourself soykike


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read up.
>disrespecting Trump
average tranime faggot


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I have seen tranime faggots support Trump as well.
Nick J Fuentes as an example.


I don't like tranime btw. I just find it funny how you nigs ignore somethings because of some gay retards just happening to disagree with you.

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