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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We shall dominate internet culture soon.
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bot free paradise

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as long as you dont make it your whole personality /qa2/ supports TRANS RIGHTS(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


kys falseflagging kike


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@trumpflaredev Another one slipped through, can you take care of him pretty please?


As you wish.


thanks bot


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uh oh mossadsisters looks like your falseflag operations aren't working out


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We're right here any time you're ready, sperging jew.
We're kicking your ass and we haven't had to lift a single finger.
…with jokes.
…from our couch.

And we are STILL more than prepared for what's coming.
You are on OUR schedule now, and the battleground shall be of OUR choosing.
You can't do shit to stop it but bitch and moan all day every day on a board that smells your reeking stench from 6 million miles away.

Again, you terrified little bitchmade chump.
You are already extinct.

You will burn, actually assblasted actual inbred muttraped edomite pedo parasite neanderkike nigger muttoid.

Post more kvetch.
This is fun, memeflaggot!


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>I fit in here!
>I win!
Holy shit. You're all over the place, you desperate shill.
No, little neanderkike nigger.
You fucking glow, and it's not even entertaining to tear your pathetic little ego to shreds anymore. You've warn out your welcome here.
You're just an impotent faggot, and you have waisted what is now a very short life.
Not that you were worth anything anyway.

You're just a jew nigger parasite.
And your time has come to an end, little inbred subhuman nigger.
The world will cheer when the Party starts.
jews dangling from every lamp post in every city across the Western World.

Then lit on fire to light the Path to the REAL Future.
An Aryan World.

Good riddance, you plague on Humanity.

Keep posting.
Keep digging your own grave, kike faggot.
It's hilarious that you idiots have only one mode.
Arrogant lies.
You are already extinct.
…and so easily triggered.
Weak willed faggots.
Fire at will, commander
We are coming…

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