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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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bot free paradise

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4chan's /qa2/ history is a fascinating journey through the years, beginning with the original /qa/ - Question & Answer board. Initially, it was plagued with spam and racebait propaganda, eventually leading to its lock and closure. This paved the way for RapeApe, who established a new /qa/ board called /qa2/ - Business Inquiries. By eliminating kikespam and low-quality shillposting, /qa2/ attracted significant posting activity and became influential in shaping America.

As the board gained momentum, it played a crucial role in the 2016 election, helping to elect Donald Trump back into office. Right-wing influencers like Alex Jones and Matt Walsh endorsed the board, further solidifying its impact on American politics. Through this evolution, 4chan's /qa2/ has become a testament to the power of online communities in shaping public opinion and driving political outcomes.


meds /qa2/ didnt exist in 2016


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Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2024 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.
We're right here any time you're ready, sperging jew.
We're kicking your ass and we haven't had to lift a single finger.
…with jokes.
…from our couch.

And we are STILL more than prepared for what's coming.
You are on OUR schedule now, and the battleground shall be of OUR choosing.
You can't do shit to stop it but bitch and moan all day every day on a board that smells your reeking stench from 6 million miles away.

Again, you terrified little bitchmade chump.
You are already extinct.

You will burn, actually assblasted actual inbred muttraped edomite pedo parasite neanderkike nigger muttoid.

Post more kvetch.
This is fun, memeflaggot!

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