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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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File: 1712224202958.jpg (69.34 KB, 750x988, 1712193044655u.jpg)


>the fail pond
gay unfunny dead soytranny splinter, exclusively populated by self hating soykikes
the REAL frog based chan, brought to you by the best posters of /pol/, actually has /qa2/, israel BANNED
any questions?


File: 1712228568508.png (204.79 KB, 793x536, ClipboardImage.png)

don't forget: it's also populated by samefagging troonhou troons


File: 1712237315266.png (1.29 MB, 1024x1614, 1694101057775.png)

Meds now


File: 1712237811249.png (38.54 KB, 720x644, 1530066883466.png)

i think both sites are great

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