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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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File: 1711926070468.jpg (38.47 KB, 220x221, 1710002914609.jpg)


Once funny, now hijacked by obnoxious preteens and actual toddlers treating it like the second coming of Jesus Christ who spend all day dicksucking whichever admin babysits their shitty discord hugbox circlejerk site and whine about the smallest detail possible (literally what the meme was created to make fun of).
>neutral tranime girl
Jewish psyop to replace the iconic Pepe stare and is disavowed by actual frogposting enthusiasts due to the general low quality posts made using the image and overall tranimefaggotry.
The last bastion of truchan culture.


File: 1711928583117.png (19.28 KB, 112x106, 1699331764516.png)

why is pepe truchan culture?


File: 1711928862821.jpg (281.96 KB, 1086x1169, 1655336915168.jpg)

Is leebait truchan culture?


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You'll have one of your images automatically hashbanned and the service will deploy hundreds of based hitmen to your nearest geolocation in order to slaughter and otherwise purge you. You will also have your access revoked thereafter.

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