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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

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File: 1711847309239.jpg (15.58 KB, 231x244, fedora pepe.jpg)


Soykikeoids, weabs. Bad news!


File: 1711849803444.png (260.3 KB, 640x470, shitshooter.png)

you'll soon find out… just don't spoil it….


Neck yourself tranny


File: 1711850217884.png (787.49 KB, 1130x1634, 1641933095903.png)

die out weebshitter


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Shush, you know it.


you need to go back


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You will never feel the touch of a woman, with all those overpriced figurines and ejaculating over fictional 2D tranime women, people will turn tail the second they come down to your room and see all the mess and utter repugnance inside your basement.
I know you're probably rolling back crying, seething, and angrily compiling a huge textwall about your pedo culture with your dusty cheeto fingers but it's the truth, you can't change what is already factual and deep down you're always going to run damage control and pretend you're not mad whilst projecting your insecurities onto us. Here's a quick reminder for you and your kind: Your entire existence is a joke and will always be treated as such, obsessing over tranime and making it your online personality while trying to subvert chan culture doesn't make you special nor cool like how your autistic brain envisions yourself to be, it only makes you come off as retarded and mentally unstable. The so-called "normalfags" you cry about 24/7 don't know you exist, and if even they did, they'd probably point out laughing at you for being the pathetic loser incel faggot that you are. You will never be loved. You will never be a functioning member of society. You will instead spend 24 hours a day gooning to naked tranime women and whine about the "newfags" for speaking out the truth. Eventually, you will tie the noose around your neck and join them tranime women in your isekai before even hitting 30 once you realize how pathetic and deplorable your life really is.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There's no turning back.




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How will they ever recover


no thanks i'm not transgender


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>the weab's natural response is to resort to death threats
Pathetic on many levels


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Join the 41% with your fellow sisters already, it'd be better for the rest of us.




Day of the rope soon, tranny


File: 1711852764686.png (5.31 KB, 216x216, 1711672539998226.png)

It looks like this particular bombshell broke him >>2520


you first troon


keyed thread

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