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File: 1711433074592.jpg (54.5 KB, 1500x1387, 61f244qkLaL._AC_UL1500_.jpg)


Gracias señor Trump. You provided a way for based legal migrants like me to get citizenship while keeping the gangster scum out. I love my job here cleaning the floors at Pizza Hut and WingStreet (the Pizza Hut is also a WingStreet) Biden… he is el loco… If he wins they'll replace me with some drug addict who works half as much. Don't let him steal the election a second time. You have all of our votes, the Hispanics here know you aren't a racist like the lying cnn says.


File: 1711433279904.png (118.46 KB, 862x816, 1709146575125.png)

Thanks Pablo. By the way dude me and my mom are stopping by Pizza Hut (which is also a WingStreet) this Thursday so make sure you have my booth all cleaned off.

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