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And I was never as nervous as I am now. It´s 07:25 AM and my wife has back pain and contractions for the last hour and a half…We are sitting in the living room, monitoring the intensity of the contractions…Out of nervousness and while waiting, you fags are the first ones I share this with. Not even our families have been yet informed. Maybe I´m being a pussy now and the situation made me emotional, but I love you autistic fags..
Now, what are the political implications of having a child in a semi-dystopian age? How do I teach the kid right from wrong, without being a hyper-obsessive, overly strict and shitty dad? I don´t want him to grow up hating me and the things I try to teach him. How do you red pill your own kid without boring, constant indoctrination which could push him in the complete opposite direction?


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I hope you child dies frogcuck


>wishing death on others because of a cartoon frog
Why are weabs so mentally ill?


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die weab


You're part of the problem


hello I new to The Frog pond, how is eveyone?

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