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I just got some insider info about last night's meltdown and it's fucking hilarious, apparently he was keeping the shitty moon thread alive for his e-bf's birthday which would happen on the next full moon and the thread was killed by a fellow frog at the exact moment he was getting ready to bump it, mind you these are two greasy weeaboo NEETs in their 30's who live off foodstamps and btw they are not 'gay' because they ERP as 12 year old anime girls on discord, that's the weeb mafia for you, just when you thought you had seen the depths of their decadence and insanity they keep on giving. He also went completely ballistic on IRC attacking and insulting everyone in it for not doing their part to fight frogposters.


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why are weabs like this


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Yep, (((they))) are afraid


Are the weabs okay? Why are they like this?


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overt obsession with chinese cartoons and overglorifying japan is a gateway to mental retardation and depravity

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