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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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clean it up jan jans

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Technically speaking, how are you willing to deal with the weab's pessimistic viewpoints on frogposting?


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Time to die faggot.


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Kill yourself weeaboo faggot


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o howdy my friend! how was your day?


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>the tranime troon thinks he can slip through trumpflare's security protection
Not for long!


your subversion attempts will never work here despite your best efforts


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Right as the world continues to evolve forward, you're still stuck in the past! It's time for you to get a job and start a family you illiterate manchild, but otherwise I feel sorry for you.


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die weab


it's not 2004 anymore, tranny
there are many alternatives you can choose from like reddit or your tranime circlejerking discord server
this is a website merely for frogposting, not your low-effort tranime garbage

now go dilate


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I work for an IT job with one of my co-workers and have a fulfilling life, your point being?


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sneed and dilate
not a tranime website
dilate and 41%
go back to whichever tranny discord hugbox you crawled out of


dilate harder 2hutroon
you will never belong on the promised land
join the 41% with your fellow sisters
the world would be a better place without insipid freaks like you


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Want me to prove it more? Head over to your new home and you'll see exactly what I mean.


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i thought trumpflare was supposed to keep these kikes out?


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the weabs got real quiet after this epic BTFOing
i wonder why


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>all gone
Weabs, your response?



Cope, weab.


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>everyone I don't like is a samefag!!!
Funny that this is their only corresponding argument to everything, almost like they're mindbroken by green pixels on a screen and is therefore allergic to anything that's not tranime.


File: 1710946236264.jpg (35.41 KB, 530x523, 2742 - based bowtie clothe….jpg)

weab BTFO by facts and logic

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