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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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clean it up jan jans

File: 1710861957448.png (205.56 KB, 409x480, 1701228132924.png)


Why are troons views on the sharty so exaggerated and blatantly pessimistic? it's almost they're butthurt at the place


File: 1710866938380.png (479.09 KB, 976x850, 1688351074433181.png)

no one cares about the sharty anymore
not even jakkers
that place became a discord shithole a while ago
people have moved on to greener pastures

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