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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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i hate niggers

File: 1710542604713.png (244.28 KB, 580x449, שתף תמונות כחולות (27).png)


>soitranny spam
>cp spam
Ponderbros, is it over?


TheFrogPond mod here. Just looked up their IPs on whatismyip.com and all of them were from Israel. Very telling


Bro really stole my filename 💀


File: 1710542901613.jpg (23.21 KB, 600x600, pepe squished.jpg)

i went on the site the soitroons are coming from (soygem.party) and the first thing i saw was interracial porn


kikes are kvetching hard


(((They))) are scared


they will literally do this, being soicucks


not a surprise kek. Soykike.kvetchy is doing what it does best again, undermining any rightwing efforts. Moshe and shlomo aren’t happy unless they have our nuts in their vice. These kikes don't realize they are messing with the Aryan gods in their own right, these people are far too inbred to understand their position in the world. It should be obvious. All the Jews are doing is putting the entire white race on one side, and the Jews on the other. The rest of the world is neutral, some will support white people, but I'm sure the majority won't want to side with the Jews, because we all know what happens after the Jews are done destroying white civilization. They destroy the rest of the world. White people must unite. We are stronger together than apart, and the Jews know this, that's why they undermine our efforts at unity. I don't know what to do at this point, but they are going to need to learn a very hard lesson eventually, and I fear that the more blood that spills before that happens, the better it is for us. These people need to be utterly crushed, and the more of their power they lose, the better.


TRUMP 2024


i have been profiling a few token soykike posters for the better part of 2 years now. I have collected enough and i still am shocked at how leftists are absolute freaks. These are the most deranged, disturbed people. If you want to talk about "sick fucks" look no further. These "people" literally believe that anything right of center, even if you are against everything except freedom of speech and self defense, are literally nazis. And they're not lying when they say they want you killed. They absolutely do. They will call you a pedo, a rapist, a nazi, and say you should be killed for simply saying that men are not women. It's truly insane and the scariest part is they are everywhere. They run everything from your child's school to your employer to law enforcement. The fact that i am literally labeled an extremist for simply stating what gender i am and my political affiliation is frightening. And if you think thats bad. They were grooming children in game cheating discords. A guy found out a bunch of 14 year olds were getting groomed and he reported the pedos to police and they banned him from the discord for spreading nazi propaganda and promoting hate. You see it outside of qa2. People openly tell you they wish death upon you simply for disagreeing with their political viewpoints. There is no limit to how far leftists will go and they have the numbers to make you completely powerless to fight back. This is what democratic rule does. People literally want their political enemies and their family members dead. The level of hatred is absolutely insane. I'm not sure where we go from here but there's only so long you can keep people bottled up. Eventually it will all come to a head and i really dont see a way out. I dont see how you could possibly make these people happy. The amount of hate is only going to get worse.

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