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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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i hate niggers

File: 1710509764657.png (16.95 KB, 720x651, 1702863201107.png)


>1. racemix with latinas, asians or black girls (anyone non-white), be a based BLEACHING colonizer! (spawn more mutts!)
>2. hate white women! POST-WALL BEEF-FLAP BBC ROASTIES REEE!!!
>3. being a NEET loser is good! stay poor forever, never attract a wife or provide for kids! don't make white babies you chud!
>4. BE DEPRESSED! Being a miserable doomer is dark and edgy! smoke cigs!
>5. everyone except you is a fed! nobody shares your frustrations or agrees with you, you have no friends, you're completely alone and isolated! please kill yourself!
>6. every woman is actually a man! TRANS RIGHTS! Look at this tranny picture! Why are you obsessed with trannies?
>7. protestant vs catholic vs pagan religious infighting is good!
>8. pick a side in the Ukraine vs Russia brother war and cheer them on! White men slaughtering each other needlessly is BASED!!
>9. all rightwingers are jews/jewish aligned!
>10. COOOM!! Look at this porn you didn't ask for! Spend all day COOOMING and don't do anything else!
>11. nobody in America is white, they're all 56% mutts! also all Canadians are chinese, all Brits are poos & all Swedes are muslim (white people don't exist so don't try to save them!)
>12. Northern vs Southern European infighting is good!
>13. Europe vs North America infighting is good! (never unite as white people!)
>14. being gay for twinks is manly and spartan pilled, refusing "nordic bussy" means you're gay!
>15. fat obese women are sexy and architect-pilled!
>16. Q is real! He's a secret insider and he's going to save us, trust the plan! hold the line! 2 more weeks!
>17. right wingers aren't allowed to be artists or make culture! Anyone who does this is a GRIFTER FRAUD E-BEGGING SHEKEL-GRABBER!
>18. BRAAAP IMAGINE THE SMELL!! smelling farts and assholes is sexy!


File: 1710512073978.jpg (39.44 KB, 746x512, 1710080382229073.jpg)

Noted, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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