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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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File: 1710210707889.jpg (78.22 KB, 1024x683, former-u-s-president-donal….jpg)


He was what saved America. Prove me wrong.


File: 1710211135507.png (535.73 KB, 1060x760, 1694106347258.png)

>those digits


File: 1710211288862.jpg (55.46 KB, 378x566, 1403927286566.jpg)

The more I hear about Trump the more I like him. I'm sure he has some stupid ideas that might make things worse, but his antics as well as anti-immigration views are great.

>mfw Emperor Trump saves America.


File: 1710213385952.gif (1.62 MB, 360x203, 1709830735778.gif)

keyed and checked


File: 1710213784748.gif (Spoiler Image, 260.77 KB, 480x228, 1693957309817.gif)

Kill amerimutt pigs


jewish hands typed this


Kike cope

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