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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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i hate niggers

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4chan just removed the IP counter so feds can feel more comfortable with samefagging and nobody could tell KEK!


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/qa2/ on 4chad still has the IP counter enabled since only approved and vetted IP
s can post there.


We should add an IP counter to the frogpind!


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That's why we have Trumpsuba. It makes it even harder for kikes to push their blood libel propaganda anywhere (((they))) go since it's using a more reliable technology to recognize how (((they))) type in a way, that makes it unintuitive for most of (((them))) as the system will immediately deprecate them off the site before even hitting post.
(((Their))) never-ending kvetching is only enough for us to maintain our latest innovation.
It uses advanced coding and techniques based on TrumpFlare except it's more lenient on sustaining in-house automated protection that only requires biometrical information before posting, and if it detects any and all kikeshit you composed while making a thread/post, you're fucked. The system will automatically rangeban your IP before you even try, VPNs are also blocked so you can't get around it either (((they're all a Jewish scheme to demoralize us))).

Shilling is so much harder now thanks to this astonishing income of our latest technology.

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