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/qa2/ - More Hope for Freedom

We make our stand against the kike scum subverting modern imageboards. For we will be more than an imageboard, thefrogpond will evolve into a social media platform for the right-wing
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clean it up jan jans

File: 1710154642372.jpg (30.86 KB, 660x574, pepo.jpg)


>Kuz says he joined the Unifcation Church (aka the moonies), a new religious movement and bizzare prophet-claimant cult from south korea which has a sizable base of followers in the south. He also apparently started following Qanon and says people on Gab introduced him to the "truth". He says he's going to take down thekuz.win soon because he just wants the drama with him and doll to pass, and says that the post on kereste where "he" claimed to be a muslim was just some mod larping.
is he /ourguy/?

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