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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We shall dominate internet culture soon.
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We're going to be interviewing Elon Musk on /qa2/, 23th of April at 4pm EST.

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first for based joe


I can confirm that this is the real Joe Rogan. Please ask any questions that you have to him




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why did /qa/ get locked?


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Tell us a joke


Thanks for tuning in, friends! I will be sure to be hosting more Q&As to make every single one of you happy!
For a short while, it was infiltrated by a couple of undesirables who'd use this board for subversion, astroturfing, government-endorsed spam of low quality, and countless other sick tactics so it had to be done.
Why did inflation increase in America? Because Brandon is a big fat blob!


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What's your stance on Biden letting in illegal immigrants to our America?


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What do you call an obese tranny


We all know that Brandon was always incompetent and a disgrace to America's honor, but hearing this left me absolutely speechless. I thought he was smart for that.
What do you call an obese tranny? A trans fat!


What are your thoughts on soycuck.party?


Do you think Trump shaped the white race?


Never heard of it, looking through the site, it seems like there's truly nothing savoury about it. It's like someone took the very worst parts of social media sites like X, Facebook, and Spotify and combined them into one place.
As someone who had been observing western tradition for decades, I think in order to save America and restore it to its full glory, you'd have to protect the future of a western man's existence. That's one man's way of doing so.


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uuuh joe could you explain this?


What should public schools be required to teach that they don’t teach now?


Well…. I can explain!!! Don't judge though!
If it were for public schools, the first subject to ever come to mind is Honor & Liberty. They don't teach that anymore so we might as well just organize a protest to get the word out.




I'd rather not talk about it.


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Why not, based joe?


Opinions on bantculture.com?


Opinions on aikido?


It feels like an embarrassing topic for me to talk about, besides it'd ruin my reputation indefinitely and I don't want to happen. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this post may've caused, I just don't want to humiliate myself with such far-fetched subject.
Not too familiar with that.
Not sure about aikido, but I first started practicing karate before I started my career. If it comes to a realization that you've lost confidence and hope, never give up! Find a hobby that suits your personality, interests, and goals and start investing yourself into that hobby, that's all I did and I'm more confident in myself now.


fake qna award


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>It feels like an embarrassing topic for me to talk about, besides it'd ruin my reputation indefinitely and I don't want to happen. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this post may've caused, I just don't want to humiliate myself with such far-fetched subject.
Now you HAVE to tell us


die soytroon


dead qna


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I was busy. Apologies.


What are your thoughts on Barack Obama?


He was just as incompetent as your average African American and those who thought he'd fix America are delusional.


Was George Bush really behind 9/11?


favorite pepe?


I have some pretty damning information that could lead to the arrest of George W. Bush, but I won't reveal it though.
The Groyper.


opinion on Elon Musk?


Where's Joe Rogan?



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