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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

I'm starting a business. Any inquiries?
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File: 1709935991716.jpg (473.58 KB, 1096x984, 1694110566287459.jpg)


Yup, that kike probably got filtered by Trumpflare. Speaking of which, did you see the new MAGA hype video on /qa2/? It's BASED.


I was too busy owning the libtards and I missed the video. Can you send it here?



i got filtered by trumpflare. post it here


File: 1709937157457.png (353.72 KB, 640x703, 1661790632186-1.png)

Soitranny detected


File: 1709937170268.jpg (93.49 KB, 385x390, 1615485002547.jpg)

You get what you fucking deserve.

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