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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

File: 1712846185828.png (18.83 KB, 180x158, 1674417977686.png)


S𐐬ybaby shitcel sharty Libtards ruined /qa/. I miss in 2018 when me and the frog squad would come to /qa/ to make fun of Weab Mafia pedo cucks after laughing at s𐐬ybaby libtards, Hiro even had the /r9k/ Pepe spinoff board. But then when falseflag incel Shartycucks raided /lgbt/, they blamed frogbros to the jannies and made Hiro delete /qa/. These immigrant S𐐬ybaby shartycels then subverted all of 4chan against frogs and then made it a cringe & bluepilled s𐐬ycucky weab cattle Demonrat commie glowpot BBC support site. Fuck all s𐐬ybabies and shartycucks and weabs.

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