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/pepe/ - Pepe, Apu and Other Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

File: 1699740925698.jpg (1.35 MB, 2160x2160, 1475088641990.jpg)


GENTLEMEN, things have been gradually becoming clearer to all of the scholars, heroes, and chads in this prestigious institute over the past few days. With these last couple of days being the most pivotal and groundbreaking. It appears those who insult frogs or pepe or any part of thefrogpond are IN FACT, without a single doubt in my mind, pedo sharty trannies attempting to masquerade as one of our own and DESECRATE these halls from the inside out.


frogs are based, and the frogpond is my new fav site. it's so much more chill than sharty with all the drama fagging



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