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/pepe/ - Frogs

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clean it up jan jans

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The following redpill is gonna be hard for you to swallow. I invite you to my soyposting addiction and how I found workarounds to overcome it a while ago. Soyjaks are a dead meme, factual statement, I was a longtime 'jakker just like you guys. I used to indulge in the soyposting before it overwhelmingly became as stale as any other reddit meme, there was a time when I would even skip my breakfast hours just to routinely hop on 4chan's /qa/ and instigate a soyduel over the course, even when unnecessary. Now ever since /qa/ got axed, 'jaks have lost their charm and are nothing more than a glorified discord meme now. The only reason you didn't notice how unfunny soyjaks are is because you either discovered the art of 'jakking offsite or are naive. Moving on, I used to also think in terms of reddit rage comic memes whenever I was surrounded by the Satanic rituals trying to possess me into applying for wageslave jobs. For instance, I'd always pull the printed soyjak images from my pocket instantly whenever someone said something retarded. However, my cousin was quick to notice my soyposting addiction. And much to his disbelief. He couldn't comprehend my attitude and thought I was just as insane as a maniac, from the way I'd act, to the way I'd cope with my NEET life. He lectured me on how soyposting affects your mental health, and why you shouldn't devote your life to it. He told me so many things I did not understand until now, like how prone it is to schizophrenia (the real deal, not a shitty meme disease) and other illnesses. When he confronted me with his meditative techniques, I simply acknowledged the whole ordeal. I deleted my soy folder just a year ago following the soyjak related websites hijacking the meme, and twisting it into their unfunny reddit tier circlejerk thereafter. My life has been exceptionally better ever since then. I just wanted to say that. Yes, soyjaks are a dying fad and are just beating a dead horse at this point. 'jakking peaked as an artform in the summer of 2021 and has gone downhill since. The amount of effort you put into raping a mangled corpse will never take off. Ever since right-wing larpers and actual homosexuals on twitter appropriated your "culture", soyposting became more of a tranny activity than ever. I know you'll probably soyquote me with a yotsoybajak or whatever, but accept your fate and move on. Your website is as deader and shittier as 4chan (the website that gave birth to you guys, btw). You're just wasting your worthless life fantasizing about a dead meme, repeating the same recycled garbage over and over like a broken fucking record. Now whenever you try to come up with "originality", you just steal memes from other imageboards and claim them as your own (__GOD as a suffix, for example, was stolen from /dbs/ on /a/). It's like you have lost your creativity and can't cultivate any innovating ideas, now that they get labelled as "forced discord coal" and immediately dies down. It's over. 'jakking is dead. Your new admin is an attentionfag from discord. You lost. Just give it all up. There's no coming back from this.

Do I need to go on? I guess you're dizzy by now. "How could the decade old meme I used to adore be so COAL?" I hear you squeal in disbelief. I know you weren't ready for this. But truth doesn't care about your feelings. I promise, you will be better off knowing this a few years down the road.


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didnt read lol


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>The following redpill is gonna be hard for you to swallow. I invite you to my soyposting addiction and how I found workarounds to overcome it a while ago. Soyjaks are a dead meme, factual statement, I was a longtime 'jakker just like you guys. I used to indulge in the soyposting before it overwhelmingly became as stale as any other reddit meme, there was a time when I would even skip my breakfast hours just to routinely hop on 4chan's /qa/ and instigate a soyduel over the course, even when unnecessary. Now ever since /qa/ got axed, 'jaks have lost their charm and are nothing more than a glorified discord meme now. The only reason you didn't notice how unfunny soyjaks are is because you either discovered the art of 'jakking offsite or are naive. Moving on, I used to also think in terms of reddit rage comic memes whenever I was surrounded by the Satanic rituals trying to possess me into applying for wageslave jobs. For instance, I'd always pull the printed soyjak images from my pocket instantly whenever someone said something retarded. However, my cousin was quick to notice my soyposting addiction. And much to his disbelief. He couldn't comprehend my attitude and thought I was just as insane as a maniac, from the way I'd act, to the way I'd cope with my NEET life. He lectured me on how soyposting affects your mental health, and why you shouldn't devote your life to it. He told me so many things I did not understand until now, like how prone it is to schizophrenia (the real deal, not a shitty meme disease) and other illnesses. When he confronted me with his meditative techniques, I simply acknowledged the whole ordeal. I deleted my soy folder just a year ago following the soyjak related websites hijacking the meme, and twisting it into their unfunny reddit tier circlejerk thereafter. My life has been exceptionally better ever since then. I just wanted to say that. Yes, soyjaks are a dying fad and are just beating a dead horse at this point. 'jakking peaked as an artform in the summer of 2021 and has gone downhill since. The amount of effort you put into raping a mangled corpse will never take off. Ever since right-wing larpers and actual homosexuals on twitter appropriated your "culture", soyposting became more of a tranny activity than ever. I know you'll probably soyquote me with a yotsoybajak or whatever, but accept your fate and move on. Your website is as deader and shittier as 4chan (the website that gave birth to you guys, btw). You're just wasting your worthless life fantasizing about a dead meme, repeating the same recycled garbage over and over like a broken fucking record. Now whenever you try to come up with "originality", you just steal memes from other imageboards and claim them as your own (__GOD as a suffix, for example, was stolen from /dbs/ on /a/). It's like you have lost your creativity and can't cultivate any innovating ideas, now that they get labelled as "forced discord coal" and immediately dies down. It's over. 'jakking is dead. Your new admin is an attentionfag from discord. You lost. Just give it all up. There's no coming back from this.

>Do I need to go on? I guess you're dizzy by now. "How could the decade old meme I used to adore be so COAL?" I hear you squeal in disbelief. I know you weren't ready for this. But truth doesn't care about your feelings. I promise, you will be better off knowing this a few years down the road.


the factnuke that btfo'd soikikes across the globe for all eternity


File: 1699741652875.gif (57.13 KB, 560x545, take a quick one.gif)

They will not listen to this one boss




new bait that'll make soytards seethe until the end of time




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