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/games/ - Video Games

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File: 1709935500003.png (996.85 KB, 873x642, ClipboardImage.png)


what the fuck has happened to the gaming industry? when has it become so pozzed?


File: 1710785681937.png (181.13 KB, 483x470, 1661899547434980.png)

tranime troons like verything else


Simple. Publishers just love buying developer companies and kill them and use diversity only as an excuse to not get criticised.
Wonder why they keep hiring Canadians. Because they cannot write any rainbow flag stuff without making it interesting so they just get some boring Canadians to do their work.
Even nips are starting to embrace this.
While Shitendo isn't doing this, they better beware or they will turn Link into an actual tranny like Guilty Gear guys did to Bridget.
Outside the diversity, developers want to make their games too ambitious and because THEY LOVE TO BE HIP TO BE SQUARE, they add live-service. LIVE-SERVICES FOR GAMES ABOVE $40 IS STUPID! This shit made people ignore SSKTJL even more.

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