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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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In a world where frog enthusiasts gathered on an imageboard called TheFrogPond to share their love for amphibians and witty humor, a sudden malfunction occurred that allowed soyjak spammers to wreak havoc. The cause of the malfunction was a brief period of Trumpflare, a phenomenon where the sun's rays refracted through the Earth's atmosphere, causing a greenish-yellow hue that disrupted electronic devices.

As the spammers took advantage of the situation and flooded TheFrogPond with their unwanted content, the janitor of the imageboard quickly sprang into action. However, due to the severity of the malfunction, it took some time for him to wake up and contact the system's volunteers to fix Trumpflare.

During this time, the spammers wasted no time in spreading their messages, causing chaos and confusion among the regular users of TheFrogPond. But as soon as the janitor and his team were able to restore normalcy, they swiftly took care of the spammers, removing their posts and banning them from the imageboard.

The incident served as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for unexpected events and having a contingency plan in place. TheFrogPond community vowed to be more vigilant in monitoring their systems and staying alert for any future malfunctions that could potentially lead to similar issues.


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yo admin
pin that shit


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Epic frog lore


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Fax blud

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