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/pepe/ - Frogs

kikes be raiding the white race we be saving
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trumpflare during its early stages was…. interesting


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>cuckjak spam
>gay porn
>scat porn
>tranime spam
I can't believe this is the same Trumpflare thats booting off kikes and shills from /qa2/ now


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Damn look at the amount of /qa/babies from the weab spinoff flooding the board with troonhou and tranime and porn, I'm so glad times have changed and Trumpflare has implemented more security measures to prevent this from happening again


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jew rage: 99999999999999999999999999999999


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i was there.
the spammers were: a brapzillian, a kike, a amerimutt and a balkan
average soiswarthykikes


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Please generate a story regarding how Trumpflare went to a malfunctioning mess that allowed weabs, soicucks, pornposters and homosexuals to spam their garbage to an unstoppable kike-killing machine


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trumpflare's early days were a bit rough, but what can you expect when you have the whole world against you? true patriots trusted the plan and look where we are now, not a kike in sight.

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