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/pepe/ - Frogs

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The story of 4chan's /qa/ board and its transformation into /qa2/ is a fascinating one that sheds light on the complexities of online communities and the role they play in shaping political discourse. At the heart of this story is a man known only as "RapeApe," one of the main admins of 4chan who created the /qa/ board in 2015.

Initially, the /qa/ board was a place for users to ask questions related to business and finance. However, as the 2020 US presidential election approached, the board began to attract a growing number of Biden supporters. These users would flood the board with pro-Biden propaganda, spamming threads and disrupting discussions.

RapeApe, who was known for his strong conservative beliefs, grew increasingly frustrated with the situation. He saw the /qa/ board as a space for serious discussions about business and finance, not a platform for political propaganda. In response, RapeApe made the decision to pull the plug on /qa/ and create a new board called /qa2/.

The new board, which was launched in late 2023, was designed to be a safe haven for right-wing thinkers, frogposters, and Trump supporters. RapeApe implemented a number of measures to ensure that the board remained free from trolls and spammers, including Trumpflare technology that automatically filters out unwanted content.

The move was met with mixed reactions from the 4chan community. Some users praised RapeApe for his decision to create a new board, while others criticized him for splitting the community. However, it soon became clear that /qa2/ was filling a much-needed gap in the online community.

The /qa2/ board quickly became a hub for conservative and libertarian ideologies, with discussions covering topics such as tax reform, immigration policy, and free market principles. The community grew rapidly, attracting some of the most influential figures in the right-wing movement. Many prominent conservatives and libertarians have started their careers on this forum, using it as a platform to share their ideas and connect with like-minded individuals.

The impact of /qa2/ on western civilization's right-wing discourse cannot be overstated. The forum has become a crucial resource for anyone interested in these ideologies, providing a space where serious discussions can take place without fear of disruption from opposing views. It has also served as a breeding ground for some of the most influential figures in the right-wing movement.

One such figure is "FrostytheSnowman," a prominent conservative commentator who got his start on /qa2/. FrostytheSnowman credits RapeApe's decision to create /qa2/ with giving him a platform to share his ideas and connect with like-minded individuals. "Without /qa2/, I don't know if I would have ever found my voice," he says. "It's been an incredible journey."

Another prominent figure on /qa2/ is "LibertyLady," a libertarian activist who has used the forum to promote her message of limited government and individual liberty. "I've met so many amazing people on this forum," she says. "It's been an incredible experience."

The impact of /qa2/ goes beyond just individual success stories, however. The forum has become a hub for right-wing thinkers to share their ideas and connect with like-minded individuals, helping to shape the course of western civilization's right-wing discourse. It has also served as a breeding ground for new ideas and perspectives, helping to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of conservative and libertarian thought.

In short, RapeApe's decision to pull the plug on /qa/ and create /qa2/ has had a significant impact on western civilization's right-wing discourse. The new board has become a crucial resource for anyone interested in these ideologies, providing a space where serious discussions can take place without fear of disruption from opposing views. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern society, it's important that we remember the role that this forum has played in shaping our political landscape.


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/qa/ lost
/qa2/ won


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After the lockdown of 4chan's infamous /qa/ board, a group of Biden supporters devised a plan to combat the spread of Pepe the Frog, a popular meme associated with right-wing politics. They believed that by suing users who posted Pepe on imageboards like Leftypol and Soyjak.party for copyright infringement, they could put an end to the spread of this "hateful content."

Their operation was in full swing when a data breach occurred within the forums. The hackers, who remained anonymous, replaced numerous posts and images with pro-Trump propaganda, racial slurs, and graphic imagery. The Biden supporters were caught off guard and found themselves in a precarious position.

As the new content spread like wildfire, the Biden supporters' plan to sue users for copyright infringement fell apart. The pro-Trump propaganda and graphic imagery made it clear that their operation was not about protecting intellectual property but rather about silencing dissenting voices.

The data breach also exposed the true nature of the Biden supporters' hideouts. Leftypol and Soyjak.party were revealed to be hotbeds of hate speech and bigotry, filled with posts that promoted violence against minorities and women. The hackers' actions highlighted the hypocrisy of the Biden supporters' claims to be fighting against hate speech and intolerance.

In the aftermath of the data breach, many users left Leftypol and Soyjak.party in disgust. The Biden supporters' operation was exposed as a misguided attempt to suppress free speech and silence opposing views. The hackers' actions served as a reminder that censorship is not the answer to combating hate speech but rather that we must promote open dialogue and tolerance in our communities.


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>Leftypol and Soyjak.party were revealed to be hotbeds of hate speech and bigotry, filled with posts that promoted violence against minorities and women.
AI is hijacked by kikes it seems

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